LAW was established in Louisville on October of 1995 by Don Bash and some others. The purpose is to be in alignment with AAW and form and operate as a 501c3 non profit corporation. The club is operated on an all volunteer basis relying on all club members to pitch in and contribute. There is a 10 member board of directors nominated and elected from the general membership and from those 4 director officers are elected: President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. Within the board traditionally the news letter is published and meetings, events and demonstrations are planned and organized. That said, many members help out at all the events and help is welcome in all efforts.
Dues are $35 per year for an individual and $50 for a families along with $10 student membership. The club has additional fundraising from sales, donations and other events. Special professional demonstration sometimes happen on Saturdays and may have a small charge of $10 or so to cover the presenter, pizza and beverages. Always a good time and usually start around 9:30 AM and wrap up around 3:00 or so.
We try to meet at Walden school on the second Thursday of the month at 6:30 PM till around 8:00 with a short business meeting (10min or less if needed), announcements, demonstrations, show and tell for member works, door prizes and some good social time. New members will find a lot of information at the meetings in just listening in to the conversations and asking questions during show and tell. Everybody's work is appreciated from your first bowl to the blue ribbon entry at the state fair. Christmas time brings turning exchanges, ornament exchanges and often contributions to Christmas fundraisers along with a LAW Christmas party and dinner with friends and door prizes.